Friday, 28 September 2018

[ ::: ♥Keep_Mailing♥ ::: ]™ The Unemployed God...

The Unemployed God!


Once God provided continuously revelations and enlightenments, by making all organisms breathe, smell, sense, perceive, interact, communicate, understand, cooperate, coordinate, harmonize, rapture in symphony, in the Theospheric Harmonic of the music of breeze, and wind. The great grand Master of the ultimate Symphony is now removed from his/her job.


 The Human Organism has blundered into depending only on its incompetent Brain, with the entire nature including its own body enslaved, which ultimately blundered into the now Defunct Newtonian Physics, a physics tied to Technology, which is trying to make nature redundant.


People live in feelings and emotions. All values of life are emotions sprouting from feelings. The feelings connect to nature or God. But machines have no feelings or emotions. Technology has eliminated the basic emotional bond of the Human beings to the Biosphere. The Troposphere brims with life forms, from the virus to whales, all bonded by breathing. A moderately big tree, houses more than five lakh life forms, all participating in the musical symbiosis of nature. Within the Human being there are about 100,000 trillion bacteria of diverse genomes. Same is the case with animals, trees, birds, insects, and bacteria…all participants in the grand musical symphony of the Biosphere.


Now it is reported that more than 1/3rd of the forests of the world have been eliminated and that elimination has gathered the momentum of the ultimate unstoppable slide down. This gigantic massacre is euphemized as economic development.


Today we pray to the dead God. Once God was felt and consulted continuously by breathing, smelling, sensing and perceiving. In fact one's living was the job of God. If there are trillions and trillions of life forms within you, enabling your living, the entire Biosphere makes Goddess Gaia live.


God refuses unemployment. He/She is embarking on a new evolution after eliminating the mischievous human organism. The suicide called economics is gathering momentum.

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