Saturday, 29 September 2018

[ ::: ♥Keep_Mailing♥ ::: ]™ Mechanization and absence from the present

Mechanization and Absence from the Present!



'Living in the present', can actually be experienced, when one goes into a thick forest brimming with flora and fauna, the sounds of the music of nature, soft breezes one's entire being. Then subject and object fuse, verb becomes bliss, adjectives and adverbs fail in adequacy, one feels heaven as life.


Thanks to economic progress or destruction of ecology (they are synonyms),the colours of nature are substituted by poisonous paints, huge concrete structures substitute forests, unending vehicles substitute the ecosphere---present has become absent. Life has become only introspection of selectively remembering the pleasant memories. One continuously needs to remember one's University degrees, big positions held, to make the living divorce from nature tolerable. But self acceptance and self esteem and the pride of existence needs the feeling as a composition of nature, and not the spectatorship or scrutinizer of nature as an economic resource.


Is it necessary from the LKG onwards to mechanize conceptualization itself? Mechanization today, is actually extinction in operation. Machines are making limbs redundant. That redundancy is presented as a comfort or luxury.


Theo—the voice of God or nature, is muted by Scio, the urge to analyze,define,dissect,separate,categorize,quantify---all that separate one from nature.


"Up to now we have been looking at matter as such, that is to say according to its qualities and in any given volume—as though it were permissible for us to break off a fragment and study this sample apart from the rest. It is time to point out that this procedure is merely an intellectual dodge. Considered in its physical, concrete reality...the universe cannot divide itself but, as a kind of gigantic 'atom', it forms in its totality...the only real indivisible...The farther and more deeply we penetrate into matter, by means of increasingly powerful methods, the more we are confounded by the inter-dependence of its parts. Each element of the cosmos is positively woven from all the others...It is impossible to cut into this network, to isolate a portion without it becoming frayed and unravelled at all its edges. All around us, as far as the eye can see, the Universe holds together, and only one way of considering it is really possible, that is, to take it as a whole, in one piece."(Teilhard de Chardin quoted in The Spectrum of Consciousness by Ken Wilber page 39).


But we analyze and analyze, or first cut the whole into small pieces, the small pieces into smaller pieces, the smaller into more smaller, then to the Standard model of Quarks and Leptons, divide the Leptons and Quarks, stumble on the Higgs, now discover a twin of Higgs by designing machines that are based on the Newtonian Physics with which the Quantum Physics does not agree. We have developed a passion for contradictions and feel very restless if we are not restless. A husband analyzes his wife by mentally dissecting her on and on, the wife does the same thing, they scrutinize each other in the present perfect continuous tense, ditto every near and doubted ( no longer dear).

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