Saturday, 29 December 2018

[ ::: ♥Keep_Mailing♥ ::: ]™ Conversing with a Tree...

Conversing with a Tree!



A tree lives by feeling and not by mechanically and mathematically calculating. It breathes, smells, senses, interacts, and converses by inhaling and exhaling, in nature, as nature, living in the air flow as the flow of emotions, as a macro body. The emotional flow, as the flow of air is very strong and the tree becomes happy when the forest is happy and becomes very unhappy when a forest is wounded, irrespective of the fact, whether the wound is directly on it or on the forest.Empathy, is a basic component of the air for the tree.

The tree by teaming up with the Lakhs of organisms living in and on it—birds,animals,insects,beehives,lives in love and empathy and is not bothered in defining the Universe as e=mc2.For it love=mcgugol.

Now, how am I to converse with the tree? First of all, I am jailed in the language of words, where I automatically censor, edit, control, even lie, avoid feeling as I am obsessed with precision, clarity, etc, as a result of which I can never tell truth. With the language of words, only half truths, mixtures of truths and lies or outright lies or stupidities only are possible. Complete truth is only emotional and not mechanical or my vocal.

The Tree is bounded in truth, while I am bounded in lies only. The language of the tree is body language and my language is the language of words that can never utter truth, as the words are made to lose the basic emotion content from the words. The tree strives to create the emotional bond with me, while I look at it from the mechanical and economic angle. The tree tries to interact with me as a macro body, while I live as the egocentric egomaniac. I bring with me the cutting machine to finish it off from its 200 years life, feeling superior, like every stupid who thinks that he is superior.

I lost my capacity to converse by breathing, smelling, sensing and understanding---the language of the Biosphere, may be of mother Gaia. I am the science idiot, protesting that economics is as good as the Newtonian defunct Physics. After all I am the fool organism, the human being created by the anaerobes, now living in me to escape the poison to them,oxygen,to remove the oxygen from earth by my economic development, industrialization etc,so that they can again come back to the surface and rule the earth.

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