Monday, 29 October 2018

[ ::: ♥Keep_Mailing♥ ::: ]™ Objective of Education...

Objective of Education!



Once education was the achievement of understanding nature, with nature, as nature, as the flow of emotion. Emotion as the basic ingredient of dedication and identification with nature was achieved by breathing, smelling, sensing, perceiving, understanding, feeling, interacting, harmonizing, rapturing, singing, dancing, all as continuous loving was education. Radiating all these as meanings was the one word; God.

The mind received continuous feeds from nature through breathing. The flow of enlightenment and the thrill of excitement of feeling was education, where nature was sacred and occupied the place of foundation. There were no failures, grades and ranks…, just living and enjoying the breathing as emotion flow.

One does not care to understand when one has no respect. Then one does not pay attention, does not allow feelings to touch the topic and one starts with aversion. That attitude of aversion towards emotional identification with nature is today passed of as science and economic development. Actually one derives the happiness of the monster by deliberately misinterpreting; half quoting a few words or isolated sentence, to fortify aversion. That has become the fate of Spiritualism today.

The very objective of education has been perverted as training for an economic career. To promote greed as education itself, deliberately the words enlightenment and superstition are made synonyms. Nature instead of being one's own macro body is cut off from one's emotional identity. We find regular and routinized destruction of nature as economic life which is made into the only life.

An Engineer today in his/her career may cut away thousands of trees, destroy water bodies by demining with dams, deprive many life forms of habitats, actually create their very extinction as part of the economic development.

Thanks to modern education and science, today one cannot feel the emotion based continuous enlightenment. One goes to surviving nature's remnants called the holiday and vacation spots before they too get destroyed by a developer or monster.

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