Tuesday, 1 January 2019

[ ::: ♥Keep_Mailing♥ ::: ]™ Contemplation: Heart Song...

Contemplation: December 31, 2018: Heart Song


Heart Song

Everyone has a song in their heart. Everyone has a reason for being here and a season for making their highest, greatest most auspicious contribution.


No one knows what that is or when that is for anyone else. Only our own heart knows what and when it is for us.


Your heart wants to sing. Don't die with your music still within you.


 Coloured glasses


Sometimes we are caught up with negative feelings like jealousy or hatred towards another person. These feelings naturally create misunderstanding and conflict. Even if the other person has a good feeling while doing something, a negative intention is attributed and this naturally changes one's own behaviour or response making it negative too. Instead of being caught up with negative feelings, we need to wear the glasses of seeing specialties. Like the one who wears coloured glasses sees everything to be of that particular colour, we too will then see only the specialties in others. This will help us to free our mind of negativity and we will start behaving positively with others too.



Simplifying The Union With The Spiritual Parent

The easiest definition of the word yoga is union. When you unite with someone or something, you keep thinking about that someone or something and keep visualizing the same. It is as if you experience a union with the object or the person in your mind. In this way, there is a subtle (non-physical) communication with them which, when you meet, will turn into a form of words (physical communication). 

We communicate with others mostly through physical means, but we cannot do the same with our spiritual Father and Mother - God, as He does not take a physical form. Our communication or union has to be subtle (non-physical), through the vibrations that we radiate as souls or life energies. There is deeply rooted belief in many - a belief that goes back to many centuries, that this union takes many births of effort to become a master at, but that's not true, it just takes a little practice and patience. The reason why it may seem difficult, at first, is that our mind tends to be filled with thoughts, feelings and images related to other people, friends, family members with whom we have interacted or will be interacting, our workplace, the past, the future, unnecessary anxieties and many more issues. We need to learn to drop these thought conversations with others and creation of subtle images of other people and situations so that we can redirect our mind and vibrations to the Supreme. This also means learning how to make our mind and intellect quiet enough, and as a result, receptive enough, to receivelisten and feel  His vibrations and His thoughts, and to experience His subtle presence. Ultimately it is an exchange of the energy of pure love between the soul and its Parent.


Soul Sustenance


The Search for Success through Desire Fulfillment

The false intention and assumption behind greed, in the form of a thought and feeling, is 'the more I have, the more I am'. It is a combination of trying to add to the value of the self through material possessions, position, role, talent or achievements and then becoming attached to these as a form of identity, finally leading to personal collapse. To try to add to the sense of self in this way has the effect of diverting oneself from the real self, which is why, in many cases, a person who has everything material is left with the feeling of being empty, disorientated and even fearful. 

We cannot accumulate, or rely on the external, to create a sense of personal value.

People often try to fill the void of personal inadequacy or emptiness through greed, but this method goes against natural, universal laws. All that I am, all that I can be, all that will make me truly happy must begin from inside the self. We have to start from the inside out, not the other way round, otherwise we create desires that have no end, like the ten-headed Ravana - every time Ram cut off one of his heads, another grew in its place. Ravana did not die until Ram aimed for his heart. Desires are created from wanting one thing or another, believing that we will find achievement when those desires are fulfilled. This pattern of behavior keeps deceiving us and the proof of this is seen in the state of discontentment and emptiness a lot of people find themselves in today.

Message for the day

The one who serves others is the richest. 

Expression: To be in a position to serve others means to be aware of the resources and treasures within. When all the powers that are within are used for the benefit of the self and others they tend to multiply and increase. So the one who continues to serve others continues to become richer. 

Experience: When I serve, not only do I become richer with what I use, but for having served unselfishly I also become richer with the blessings and good wishes that emerge from the hearts of others. I am able to experience the real richness and beauty of life as there is a lot of love, happiness and joy in my life.

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