Tuesday, 31 July 2018

[ ::: ♥Keep_Mailing♥ ::: ]™ Past Perfect Continuous Tense-Few Sentences...

Past Perfect Continuous Tense—Simple Sentences!


1) Mankind had been forced to deviate from expecting direct answers from nature via feelings, through smelling.

2) Rene Descartes not only had blundered, but had dragged mankind into depending on the logic of the feelings-less machine.

3) A frenzy of substituting nature with the emotionless machines had been initiated under the euphemism-- science.

4) While nature had been following symbiosis, the counter undoing of the symbiosis, by converting the entire nature as raw material for creating the dead matter called economic goods, had been championed as progress.

5) The royal privilege accorded to living cells only with the ability to create living matter had been undone by Stanley Miller, who created two amino acids in his lab, initiating the efforts to make robots conceive.

6) From the moment of the tiny tot leaving its mother's womb, the process of divorcing it from nature as education had been going on.

7) The process of Cyborging mother Gaia, with all sorts of industries substituting the nature's forests, rivers, soils etc, had been initiated by what is euphemized as the industrial revolution.

8) The marketing of rubber tissue machines being manufactured as the robot wife or robot husband had been initiated as the new horizons of marketing.

9) The new feature of intolerance to every emotion and feeling emotionlessly homely towards machines only had been taught as training for the MBAs.

10) As breathing and emotions are closely related, the process of eliminating oxygen from the air by industrialization had been promoted as the gospel of the unbiased approach.

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