Thursday, 13 September 2012

Re: ***keep_mailing*** The world’s first coffee machine that takes orders by SMS

Dear sir,
your keep mailing will be refelts to my email address is unnecessary information for please ignore my mail Id from your keep mailing.

On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 6:36 AM, Junaid Tahir <> wrote:
The fact that the technology industry and coffee go hand in hand is well known by now. So it was only a matter of time before someone came along and combined the two in a rather impressive fashion. Introducing Textpresso. The world's first espresso machine that accepts orders by text, to make your brew and have it waiting for you when you're ready.

The Textpresso uses Arduino technology (aka the internet of things) to run via an Android application, where you can send messages from your dekstop. It's been built by ZipWhip who specialise in cloud-based text messaging.

You can check it out in action in the video below (excuse the cheesiness in the clip):

And you can even add a message you want with your coffee which will be painted on using edible text. Or if you don't add your own message, your cup will be printed with the last three numbers of your phone number, so you can identify your own brew on the waiting tray.

Unfortunately, the Texpresso isn't available commercially as Zipwhip are keeping it, cleverly, entirely for themselves to draw attention to their creation and get people going to the site or visiting their office to try it out for themselves. They have, however, made the manual javascript for the machine available online here.


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