Tuesday, 11 September 2012

***keep_mailing*** Thinking - André Luiz Institute

Thought is our creative ability in action.
At any time, it is very important not to forget that.
The idea as to condition, the condition produces the effect, the effect creates the destination.
Your life will always be what you are visualizing constantly.
As a result, any real change in the way, will only change their thoughts.
Imagine your life as you want to be and working in this line of ideas, notice that the time will bring the expected achievements.
The laws of fate will bring you back everything you think. 
In fact, we find everything that relates to us, both as regards the good as evil.
Look and you will find yourself attracted to your field of influence everything you do and everything that is part of your day to day.
 The creature itself is to blame and that is correct, up to feed the false concepts about God.
Within us the freedom to choose is absolute, then the mental creation that belongs to us is that we recognize naturally subject to it.
 Through the mental principles that govern us in all that we give of ourselves to others we receive from other hundredfold.

M Junaid Tahir

Read my Blog : http://paradigmwisdom.blogspot.com/


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