Wednesday 19 February 2014

[ ::: ♥Keep_Mailing♥ ::: ]™ Fwd: Fw: FACTS ABOUT FATS


"Eat less fat, all our health problems will go away"... This is the saying by nutrition media. This is not true. There are three problems with fat.

They are:

1. We consume too many nonessential fats and not enough essential fats.

2. We eat fats and oils that are too refined and dangerously altered.

3. We do not consume the wide range of nutrients the body needs to handle fat correctly.

Lowering fat consumption will have little impact on the epidemic of diseases such as heart disease and cancer. We need to eat better fats and a diet abundant in essential nutrients. We do not understand how fat functions as part of a healthy diet. Our media has exaggerated about fat.

The results are:

1.      Fat-free, sugar-laden junk foods are hawked as beneficial snacks.

2.      A lack of health-generating essential fatty acids of the omega-3 class in our diet, which can lead to a weakened, imbalanced immune system and an increased risk of degenerative diseases.

3.      Foods high in protein and fat are avoided; refined carbohydrates are eaten; it leads unhealthy dietary imbalance. This increases the incidence of hypoglycemia and obesity.

Too much fat is a problem. Anything in excess is unhealthy. We should eat less fat, perhaps 30% of our diet. But quality is much more important than quantity. Refined and altered fats are bad. Unprocessed fats and oils are not when consumed in moderation as part of a healthy diet. Eating fat in a balance with other macro nutrients, such as protein and fiber is better for health. An optimal intake of vitamins and minerals is essential to have a healthy fat metabolism.

Don't think of fat as harmful unless you are referring to processed fats such as margarine (a butter substitute made from vegetable oils or animal fats), fried foods, and commercially produced vegetable oils that have had their vitamin E removed. These are bad fats. Fats in its natural state, unadulterated by man and consumed in moderate amounts as part of balanced diet rich in all essential nutrients, are better for health.


Roles of Fats: 

1.      Essential fatty acids boost the immune system.

2.       Fat helps slow release of sugar into your bloodstream. It is necessary for hypoglycemic and diabetics.

3.      Fat does not feed fungal overgrowths as carbohydrates do.

4.       Fat is needed for the absorption of vitamins A, E, D, K, and beta-carotene.

5.      Fat is needed to form all cell membranes.



Two fatty acids are essential. They are:

1.      Linoleic acid( omega-6 fatty acid)

2.      Alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3 fatty acid).

Omega-6 linoleic can be found in all vegetable oils and most grains and beans. Omega-3 alpha-linolenic is found in fewer foods: flaxseed and flax oil, fresh walnuts and walnut oil, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, and soy and canola oils. If we do not receive both of these fatty acids on a regular basis, our health will deteriorate.

Commercially manufactured liquid vegetable oils are refined to an extraordinary degree. They are heated, deodorized, and have many valuable nutrients removed. Vitamin E and lecithin (It helps our body emulsify and use fats more effectively.) are removed from unrefined oils.

Hydrogenation is a process that places oils under tremendous pressure and high heat in the presence of hydrogen and metal catalysts. The hydrogenated oils that result are used to make margarine and shortenings, and are present in a wide variety of baked and snack foods. Cereals, candy, chips, cake mixes, and bread often contain these toxic fats.

In many of the studies in which saturated fats were said to cause disease, hydrogenated vegetable oil was actually the fat that was used. Many cultures have used saturated fats for thousands of years without ill effects.

It is important to keep a good balance between essential and nonessential fats. Many of us consume too many fats of the omega-6 class and not enough of the omega-3 family. Eating meat and safflower, sunflower, and corn oils fills with omega-6s. if no flaxseed oil, walnuts, salmon, sardines, or mackerel are not taken in our diet, we will have no omega-3 fats. Over a long period of time, this will increase our risk of inflammation and degenerative diseases.

Three Roles of Fats:

1.      Structural: It is incorporated into cell membranes and other body structures. It is used in fatty tissue that insulates and cushions the body.

2.       Metabolic: it can be changed into powerful hormones known as prostaglandins that profoundly affect metabolism.

3.      3. Fuel: it can be burned for energy.

When the right fats (found in virgin flaxseed, walnut, and canola oils, or those found in cold-water fish) are consumed, our cells will remain flexible and healthy. But when the wrong fats (margarines, fried foods, baked goods, or refined supermarket oils) are consumed, cell membranes suffer. They become stiff or have holes in them, decreasing our health significantly and increasing our risk of degenerative disease.

Flaxseed Oil:

        This oil should be used in salad dressings and on cooked vegetables and baked potatoes. It should never be heated, although it can be placed on hot foods. Flax oil has the most omega-3 fats of any vegetable oil, it has been found to have wide range of health-enhancing effects. It can lower cholesterol and triglycerides and enhances immune function.

Canola Oil:

        It is another excellent food that contains essential fatty acids. It may be used for salads, baking and low-heat recipes. In its unrefined, beneficial form, canola oil has a golden color and a pleasant taste.

Olive Oil:

        It is excellent oil for many applications.

Peanut Oil:

        It can withstand higher temperatures better than most oils. It is the oil of choice for use in stir-fry cooking. Stir-frying with garlic, onions, red pepper, turmeric, and other spices helps to give the oil more stability under high heat.

        The kind of fat you should buy, whether you are buying flax or canola oils, is oil that has been processed as minimally as possible. Only buy oils that are sold in opaque, black plastic containers. Light damages oil, and we need to consume oils that are damaged as little as possible. They are going to augment our health.

Fats are responsible for disease when:

1.      Fats are refined or overly heated. Fried fats, hydrogenated oils, and refined supermarket vegetable oils all deteriorate health.

2.      Essential fatty acids are missing. A lack of the goods fats weakens the body that is why omega-3 rich virgin flaxseed and canola oils should be everyday foods.

3.      There is an imbalance in essential fatty acids. Too much omega-6, found in corn, sunflower, and safflower oils, and not enough omega-3, can cause health problems.

4.      The body lacks the vitamins and minerals to metabolize fats correctly. A diet of white flour, white sugar, and other empty calories deprives our body of the nutrients we need to metabolize fat correctly.

5.      Excessive amounts of calories are consumed. Studies have shown that as long as we eat a normal amount of calories, moderate consumption of fats and oils in their natural state will not promote disease.

Fats and oils in their natural state promote health. If we had never refined or altered them or refined the rest of our diet, fats would never have caused a problem.



Ø  Get enough essential fats in your diet. The best way is with one to three tablespoons of virgin organic flax or canola oil per day.

Ø  Avoid all refined supermarket vegetable oils sold in glass bottles. Virgin oils have a golden colour, and should only be bought when sold in opaque containers.

Ø  Eliminate white flour, sugar, and all fat-free" junk" foods from your diet.

Ø  Avoid fried foods, margarine, and vegetable shortenings and the snack and baked foods that contain them.

Ø  Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and take supplemental vitamin C, E, and beta-carotene found in a good antioxidant formula.

Ø  Exercise regularly, but not until three hours after and meat that is high in fat. When your blood is filled with fat, from a recent meal, it cannot carry as much oxygen as the body needs for aerobic exercises.

My personal buying experience today:

[I bought canola oil for .225, peanut(groundnut) oil for .115, flaxseed[both powder(.27) and oil(.225) instead of refined oils from NILGRIS-Besant Nagar. All are not refined is important. I searched for olive oil. But I found refined olive oils. So I did not buy there.] 

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