Thursday 19 September 2013

[ ::: ♥Keep_Mailing♥ ::: ]™ World's Best Coffee Arrives From These Countries


World's Best Coffee Arrives From These Countries






















 Coffee, much like wine arrives with a zest of flavors, differentiating with its color, texture and taste. The seeds picked out from Coffee berries are roasted and then brewed to produce a rich aromatic dark-brown liquid beverage. This hot brewery's origin traces back to 15th century where it was first cultivated and gulped at the Sufi Monasteries in Yemen. Today, coffee is grown in more than 50 different countries around the world and makes the list of top preferred beverages for all occasions.

Only the Best Coffee seeds can be produced under luxurious tropical climatic conditions which include rich soil, bounty rainfall and right amount of sunshine. Besides the location, what brings out the quality and flavor in a coffee is the way cherries are picked and roasted for brewing.
Here are some of the top countries around the world that not only offer pristine climatic conditions for their coffee plantations but also know how to pick and roast the coffee beans!

Hiten Raja   .

#6 Yemen
This was the first country to commercially cultivate coffee. Since water is scares, Coffee beans grown here are smaller in size and the cherries harvested are dry processed. This process of harvesting, gives the Yemeni coffee a distinctive taste like no other. Do you know how coffee found a synonym in the word "Mocha"? During the 15th century, the Arabs used to ship their coffee beans around the world from their famous Yemini port called Mocha. Hiten Raja   . The Dutch later combined the Arabian coffee with the coffee grown in the Java Island and this popular blend is well-known today as Mocha Java.

#5 Ethiopia
Since the inception of coffee, legend says that Arab traders arrived at the African Continent and planted the Coffee Arabica bean in the Ethiopian soil. Thus Ethiopia takes credit for cultivating the first coffee trees. Ethiopian coffee beans are slow-roasted over a charcoal fire and thus offer a rich texture, infused with intoxicating flavor. Hiten Raja   . Here, coffee is a primary part of social and cultural tradition as it depicts respect, friendship and acceptance.
























#4 Indonesia
Indonesia produces one of the world's most expensive coffees called "Kopi Luak". Coffee lovers are in for a shock when they find out the bizarre way of harvesting Kopi Luak: These beans are not directly roasted from the cherries but instead the cherries are fed to civets, weasel-like creatures that love consuming coffee berries. The coffee berries pass through their digestive system and the enzymes produced the will remove all the bitterness from the beans. Hiten Raja   . The civets then attend their nature calls and the semi digested beans are collected from their crap! It is only then these civet-turd berries are roasted, brewed and sold to the mass, for $600 a pound.


















#3 Mexico
There are over 100,000 small-scale coffee plantations spread over the Mexican land, making it one of the largest coffee producing countries in the world. The south part of Mexico segregates a major percentage of these coffee plants and this includes the states of Veracruz, Oaxaca and Chiapas. Mexican coffee like the famous Hidalgo has a sharp texture with pronounced sharpness and in-depth flavor. Mexican coffee beans are excellent for dark roasts and infused blends.

Hiten Raja   .



























#2 Guatemala
Situated in high altitudes of Central America, Guatemala grows its coffee across rugged landscape filled with rich volcanic soil and situated 4,500ft above sea-level. Guatemelan coffee is spiked with spicy, smoky flavor that offers a rich, acidic tang. The three main coffee growing regions in Guatemala are Antigua, Coban and Heuhuetanango whose high-altitudes produce hard coffee beans that brews with a complex, spicy flavor that tastes almost like a dark chocolate.

Hiten Raja   .










































#1 Brazil
South America's largest country Brazil is also world's biggest coffee producer, contributing a whopping 35 percent of the world's coffee. Brazil's coffee industry has been marginally commercialized and is famous for brewing rather mild coffee, yet rich in flavor. A typical cup of Brazilian coffee will be a sweet, clear, medium-boiled and low-acid coffee and thus Brazilians take pride in drinking their coffee like water. Some of the famous coffee products grown on the Brazilian soil are Arabica, Robusta and Bourbon Santos.

Hiten Raja   .

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Hiten A. Raja
The height of cleverness is to be able to conceal it.

Is the glass half full, or half empty? It depends on whether you're pouring, or drinking.

The silliest woman can manage a clever man; but it needs a very clever woman to manage a fool !

Quickly, bring me a glass of wine, so that I may wet my mind and say something clever.

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