Saturday 8 June 2013

[KM] ♥Keep_Mailing♥ Take control

If you don't think you can, think again. Yes, you absolutely can, and will, achieve what you sincerely desire to achieve.

Every day of your life, you've achieved something. Your choices, whatever they may have been, have brought you to where you are right now.

The choices you make today, the priorities you set and follow, will determine where your life goes next. Look forward, envision life at its very best for you and all your world, and then step squarely in that direction.

Let go of the need to pity yourself or to see yourself as some kind of victim. Reach into your unique, beautiful essence and feel the power you have to choose, to act, and to make a difference.

If you feel that life will disappoint you, it will. Yet when you choose to take control, you absolutely will make life into whatever you wish.

Expect the very best, in every moment, on every day. That's the way you will surely experience it.

Ralph Marston - The Daily Motivator


Junaid Tahir

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