Wednesday, 26 June 2013

[KM] ♥Keep_Mailing♥ flowers express your love best

Flowers  I have sent are not only flowers,
they are my heart,
I am afraid, are these worth your beauty;
your lips, your rose like smile,
your moonlit face, with black mole on it,
write back , if they are worth you?
 Red Hearts with Flowers
They contain so much love
as much the pearls ocean contains,
I would have kissed your hands,
Had you come yesterday to me,
instead of sending in mails,
Flower Animation 
I am sure you had dream yesterday night,
or you did not get sleep,
When  you opened  eyes, these were only dreams.,

You loved me so much, 
now you shower love on every body,
but show contempt for me,
Now mails are not enough,
now will get rest when eyes meet,
when will I  hold Your moon like face?
wishes for you 

I don't know what you want,
How to meet you? 
Tell me how you want me to meet,
My eyes are laid on the paths you have left,
Tell me when you will come again.!!!!!!!!

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