Sunday 9 June 2013

[KM] ♥Keep_Mailing♥ the rain , you and me

                The rain showers takes my mind to you,
                    My heart says , I again carve yor hair,
                                I again commit my love to you,
                                        Whatever has happend in past,
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            I forgo all and, again embrace you,
                I put myself into your beautiful arms,
                        I again lock my eyes with yours,
                    My eyes are used to adore
                                your moon like face!
                            Once again are thirsty to pour at you.

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                But am afraid, are u the same for me,
                            or you are with somebody else,
                                    So long has been the time
                                     when you spoke to me, 
                                So long has been, when we talked,
                                            Still, don,t know why,
My heart does not refuse to desire you !!!!!

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