Saturday 1 June 2013

[KM] ♥Keep_Mailing♥ The most pampered cows in America!

The most pampered cows in America! The fluffy bovine beauties who have had the hair-dryer treatment

  • Pictures of pretty fluffy cattle are flooding the internet
  • Fluffy cows aren't a special fluffy breed, but regular cows who have undergone extensive clipping and grooming
  • Bulls shown in stock shows can sell at auction for more than $75,000


Images and videos of so-called 'fluffy cows' are popping up all over the internet, and people want to know: what breed are these magnificent creatures?

It turns out that in the livestock showing world, fluffy cows are not part of a secret fluffy cow breed but known breeds that have been very skilfully primped by specialty groomers who wash, blow-dry and style the cows into fluffiness.

Tony Bruguiere, a photographer who specializes in Western and rodeo photography, says that cow grooming is common sight at any stock show.


Dolled-up Daisy: Once they're washed, blow-dried and styled to within an inch of their lives, cattle scrub up pretty well

Dolled-up Daisy: Once they're washed, blow-dried and styled to within an inch of their lives, cattle scrub up pretty well

'Walk through the yards or the bottom floor of the Hall of Education at the National
Western Stock Show and you will be bombarded by the whine of blowers and the hum of
clippers,' he says.



'It is a constant process and the goal is to make a bull or cow that looks like any other you would see on the other side of the fence into a fluffy rock star.'

Once you've got a cow with top-notch genes, the rest is all smoke and mirrors.

At a livestock show, the animal will be primped by special groomers. First up, a shampoo, wash and blow-dry, then it's onto the styling.

Pretty boy: It's not just the girls who get five-star treatment. Bulls are groomed to look as big, strong and masculine as possible

Pretty boy: It's not just the girls who get five-star treatment. Bulls are groomed to look as big, strong and masculine as possible

Good breeding: There is no one particular breed that makes such pretty cattle, but rather a mix of good genes

Good breeding: There is no one particular breed that makes such pretty cattle, but rather a mix of good genes

Popular: Internet users have gone crazy for these bovines with bouffants - expect a meme soon

Popular: Internet users have gone crazy for these bovines with bouffants - expect a meme soon

Cow salon: If grooming a 3000lb bull sounds slightly dangerous to you, there's a specialty chute you can purchase to hold the animal in place while it's being groomed

Cow salon: If grooming a 3000lb bull sounds slightly dangerous to you, there's a specialty chute you can purchase to hold the animal in place while it's being groomed

Bruguiere reports there are countless tools used in the cattle grooming trade, including seven different combs, a special squeegee to remove excess water from the coat, a 'Roto Fluffer' to remove guard haris, turbo fans to keep a constant flow of air through the animal's fur, various clippers.

'There is even a special neoprene neck wrap that is used in combination with a sweating lotion to make the neck skin tighter on females and give them a more 'feminine' look.' he says.

High steaks: Champion bulls can sell at auction for upwards of $75,000, so it pays to make your bull look his best

High steaks: Champion bulls can sell at auction for upwards of $75,000, so it pays to make your bull look his best

There are also enough products to challenge the bathroom cabinet of any cosmetics-obsessed human, including adhesives, mousse, oils, dyes, paints, hair builder, hair polish, sunscreen and cleansers.

Show animals are often sold for breeding, so their grooming emphazises their good characteristics.

Bruguiere says cows are groomed to look 'feminine' and the bulls to look 'heavy-boned' and 'masculine'.


Hiten A. Raja

Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.
Anyone who tries to make a distinction between education and entertainment doesn't know the first thing about either.
It's far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help.
Research is four things: brains with which to think, eyes with which to see, machines with which to measure and, fourth, money.

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