Wednesday 5 June 2013

[KM] ♥Keep_Mailing♥ Desserts You Can Make On The Grill

Desserts You Can Make On The Grill


1. Grilled Peaches with Bourbon Butter Sauce

Grilled Peaches with Bourbon Butter Sauce

Grilled fruit is so magical because it's hot and sugary and tastes decadent without being awful for you. Recipe here.

2. Grilled Banana Boats

Grilled Banana Boats

Nothing is more perfect than this banana s'more thing. Recipe here.

3. Chocolate Cherry Ricotta Grilled Pizzas

Chocolate Cherry Ricotta Grilled Pizzas

There's a certain magic to a dessert pizza. Recipe here.

4. Grilled Pineapple with Coconut Sorbet

Grilled Pineapple with Coconut Sorbet

Consider your summer a complete failure if you don't have grilled pineapple. IT IS SO GOOD. Recipe here.

5. Grilled Pound Cake with Cherry Compote

Grilled Pound Cake with Cherry Compote

Don't mind if I do. Recipe here.

6. Toasted Marshmallow, Bread, and Banana Sticks with Chocolate Fondue

Toasted Marshmallow, Bread, and Banana Sticks with Chocolate Fondue

That's right, you can make CHOCOLATE FONDUE on the grill! Recipe here.

7. Grilled Doughnuts

Grilled Doughnuts

I DARE you to put your fave doughnut on the grill this summer.

8. Grilled Fruit Cobbler

Grilled Fruit Cobbler

Topped with lots and lots of cold vanilla ice cream. Recipe here.

9. Grilled Banana Split

Grilled Banana Split

Why would you NOT put your bananas on the grill before adding them to your sundae? Recipe here.

Image by Food & Wine © Catherine Ledner

10. Grilled Shortcake Skewers

Grilled Shortcake Skewers

What if you had a kebab party? Appetizer kebab, main course kebab, and dessert kebab. Wouldn't that be amazing? Recipe here.


11. Grilled Orange Cupcake

Grilled Orange Cupcake

This cupcake is baked inside of an orange for optimal orange flavor. Recipe here.

12. Grilled Blueberry Lemon Pie

Grilled Blueberry Lemon Pie

Made in a skillet on the grill. Recipe here.

13. Grilled Bread Pudding

Grilled Bread Pudding

The foil here is key. Recipe here.

14. Grilled Chocolate Chip Cookies

Grilled Chocolate Chip Cookies

Take your favorite chocolate chip cookie dough, put it on tin foil, and leave it on the grill for about 20 minutes.

15. Grilled Grapefruit with Mascarpone

Grilled Grapefruit with Mascarpone

You could probably pass this off as breakfast, too. Recipe here.

16. Grilled Strawberry Tart

Grilled Strawberry Tart

Just look at that puddle of strawberry on the plate. Just look. Recipe here.

17. Grilled S'mores Pie

Grilled S'mores Pie

Gettin' fancy over here. Recipe here.


Hiten A. Raja

Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.
Anyone who tries to make a distinction between education and entertainment doesn't know the first thing about either.
It's far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help.
Research is four things: brains with which to think, eyes with which to see, machines with which to measure and, fourth, money.

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