Well drafted and takes care of feelings of common man. Politicians of the country have looted the common people right from Nehru till those who hods office now. Sometimes I feel is India a safe democracy?.
On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 12:21 AM, Thomas Mathew <thomasmathew47@hotmail.com> wrote:
Dear Mr. NairThis has surfaced since Modi's appeal to the common people to give up the subsidy on gas, while adding to the perks of the MPs and Ministers. I do not know what is the relevance of the previleges of Priyanka and Vadera in this context of giving up subsidies on gas. However, I will appreciate, if you enumaterate the perks being enjoyed by Priyanka and Wadera at the state exprense, excepting the ones provided by the Govt. due to security considerations.I do not think the perks of MPs have any thing to do with the British legacy, these have been added after independence as this is the only issue where there is unanimity among the members.T.M
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2015 14:37:27 +0800
Subject: Re: [ :::Keep_Mailing
From: chandra1510@gmail.com
To: keep_mailing@googlegroups.com.But these has been the norm with the UPA government too,they went way too far as to provide special privileges to Sonia's son in law an daughter at the expanse of the citizen, and government of the day paid for it from the government coffer. In fact he is a nobody, except that he happened to be the son in law of Sonia.Why then there was no clamor from any quarters to end this glaring abuse of power.I am surprised this issue surfaced only when Modi Ji is Prime Minster.I would suggest, request Modi Ji to redress it through proper channels available. I am sure Modi Ji will respond favorably and enact laws to drop/withdraw all these special perks accorded to all those who are enjoying it currently as pointed out here.Unfortunately this is a legacy carried on from the British.It has been 60 odd years these has been in practice and nobody bothered to bring these legacy to an end.Funny when Modi Ji preparing his ground work and take remedial action step by step without causing the collapse of the government.But there is already a lot of hullabaloo about it. as though he set the precedence to this gross abuse of power.Of 'course I concur with all the issues raised here and it needs time to undo all these as cited.Thanks.On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 2:11 AM, Mohamed Jaffer <mjkassam@gmail.com> wrote:Why, I will not waive my gas subsidyMangalore Today News NetworkAn Open Letter to the Prime MinisterBy SUMITH S. RAORespected Sir:You have asked the rich and affluent people of India to waiveoff their share of subsidy on gas cylinders used by themin their homes and help in nation building.I, for one would definitely prescribe to your view and gladly do so.In return, I would like all of you esteemed gentlemen and ladies whorun our great country to also reciprocate our generous offer.If only, every corporator, MLA, MP, and Minister could also waive offhis gas subsidy, we the people of India would bevery proud of you and salute you.You would be setting an example to the citizens of India.Most of you have declared incomes running into afew crores while contesting the elections.When will the day come when you will think of our poor brethren andwaive off all the perks that you enjoy because of your position.When will you stop voting unanimously for a pay hike for yourselves,while bitterly fighting against all other issues in Parliament?When will we see you act as responsible citizens andfight over issues rather than take party based decisions?Let me tell you, dear Sir, the Chancellor of a super power likeGermany Ms. Angela Merkel rides on a public train to work,whereas in our country everyone from the Prime Minister,to the Members of Parliament, even down to the Zilla Panchayat Presidentis allocated a car which is paid for from the coffers of our countrywhich is filled generously by the tax payers money.You incur thousands of rupees worth of telephone bills, electricity bills,free accommodation in luxury bungalows, avail free travel on publictransportation, go on foreign jaunts on flimsy excuses andwe the people of India pay for it.When will you be a proud Indian and pay forall these facilities availed by you?You get admitted to luxury hospitals for even a headache andespecially when a probe is launched against you for any misdemeanor.Even there, you get the best beds and facilities free of charge.Pray, tell me, Sir "When will you pay for these privileges?"You travel in air conditioned railway coaches and fly first classin planes even when you are not on official duty.It is us, the citizens of India who pay the fare for you.Everyone, who is anybody, stakes his claim to fame by clamouringfor "Z Class" security when the actual risk assessment for that personis zero. We, the people of India pay a fortune for your security.Alas, what a travesty of our times. That you who should beprotecting the nation are being protected by the common man at his cost.There are people in India who cannot even afford one meal a day anddo not even have the strength to complain about it. Sadly, while youenjoy a cup of coffee bought at a princely sum of Rupees One or a full mealat Rupees Twelve at the Parliament canteen in air conditioned comfort andcannot be bothered about these trivial issues.When shall you pay the full cost of a meal withoutpassing on the bill to your countrymen?Sir, I am just an ordinary citizen of India who dutifully pays hisIncome tax, Service Tax, Value Added Tax, Wealth Tax, Corporation Tax,Automobile Registration Tax and Property Tax which goes up tonearly 50 percent of our hard earned money while you enjoy the benefitsof these taxes and live a privileged life because everycitizen of India pays for your privileges.The day all of you forego and waive all the unnecessary perquisitesbestowed upon you by laws enacted by you would bea proud one in our nation's history.The day, you gentlemen who have been elected to power by thepeople to govern our nation become responsible citizens of INDIA will bea milestone in our history. That day, all of us will definitely waive off our gas subsidy.Yours sincerely,An honest and dutiful citizen.Sumith S. Rao is a well known city based businessman anda former President of the District Small Scale Industries Association.Note:- Please circulate, so it reaches the PM.Dear CitizensForward this msg to a minimum of twenty people onyour contact list; and in turn ask each of them to do likewise.In three days, most people in India will have this message.This is one idea that really should be passed around.*Reform Act of 2014*1. No Tenure / No Pension: Parliamentarians collect a salary whilein office but should not receive any pay when they're out of office.2. Parliamentarians should purchase their ownretirement plans, just as all Indians do.3. Parliamentarians should no longer vote themselves a pay raise.Their pay should be linked to the CPI or 3%, whichever is lower.4. Parliamentarians should lose their current health care system andparticipate in the same health care system as the Indian people.5. Parliamentarians with tainted records, criminal charges & convictions,past or present should be summarily banned from the parliament andfighting election on any pretext or the other.6. Parliamentarians should equally abide by all lawsthey impose on the Indian people.7. All contracts with past and present Parliamentariansshould be void effective 1/1/15The Indian people did not make this contract with them.Parliamentarians made all these contracts for themselves.Serving in Parliament is an honour, not a lucrative career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so oursshould serve their term(s), then go home and back to work.No surrender of subsidies like LPG by citizens unless allsubsidies available to MPs and MLAs withdrawn includingsubsidised food in Parliament canteenIf each person contacts a minimum of twenty people then it willonly take three days for most people in India to receive the message.Don't you think it's time?If you agree with the above, pass it on. If not, just delete.Mr.HEGDE.
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