Friday, 24 May 2013

[KM] Keep_Mailing god save my love!!!

Some times I think,
when you loved me so much,
I loved you too, 
a long long .....oneness.

for once it appeared we are perfect for each other,
we were  so pure, so flawlessly compounded,
it was a wonder like, without effort and makeup,

how can anything shake it up?
Its like Himalaya, razed to ground,
so was hatred, disbelief, taken place of love!!

How fast people whom you were so averse to,
are so dear to you, whom u scorned for years,
still u are so beautiful, so glowing, so happy,

Now there is no thought but falsity of every thing,
so perfect, so pure, so dependable, wonderfully charming??
Amidts all these, is my love for you,
being slapped, blamed, betrayed.

Now I think either it was not love,
or love is the poor for those,
for whom falsity is so dear.
or its cruelty on both of us by the almighty???


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