Saturday, 2 July 2016

[ ::: ♥Keep_Mailing♥ ::: ]™ Fwd: {Desi_Pardesi} Daily Positive Thoughts: July 03, 2016: The Best Language for Communication

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From: "Satya [desi_pardesi]"
Date: Sun, 3 Jul 2016 09:17:53 +0530
Subject: {Desi_Pardesi} Daily Positive Thoughts: July 03, 2016: The
Best Language for Communication


The Best Language for Communication

*Silence is the best language for communication. It helps us understand and
realize the eternal truths about the self, God and the world. In silence we
are able to comprehend and express sincerely and powerfully the true values
of the soul such as peace, love and joy. Silence is not the absence of
thoughts but it is a state in which the mind is engaged in pure elevated
thoughts that nurture these values within. The power of silence develops
all mental and spiritual powers that are needed to tackle various
situations successfully.*

*8 Powers To Experience Success (Part 3)*

The list of different situations that we go through in the entire day is
endless. Of course, the powers required in all the different situations are
different. Sometimes not just one or two but all the eight powers, to
different extents, are required to experience success. We have to bring the
power into action. *There are three stages of bringing a power into action.
The first step is realizing that in a particular situation I need a
particular spiritual power and being sure as to which that power is or
powers are.* For this, I need a calm mind and a pure intellect and also an
experience of the past of having gone through different types of situations
of the mind, body, role and relationships. E.g. if someone's behavior is
not very positive towards me, in such a situation, to experience success, I
need the power to tolerate and accommodate. At the same time, in such
situations, it is not wise to use the power to face i.e. being bold and
trying to face the other person. I need to know that I have to face the
situation, not the person, which could spoil the situation. So, I need to
be clear about my choices and need to be sure as to which of the eight
powers I should use. A wrong choice of power can mean a negative situation
becoming more negative and a right choice can lead to a solution to a

Then,* the second step is to emerge that power inside my consciousness. *This
depends on how my *sanskaras *have been filled with these eight powers over
a long period of time. Of course, all people have all eight powers to a
little extent at least, but some people's *sanskaras *of the powers are
deeper than the others and so they are able to emerge the powers more
easily. Also, after that, *the last step is implementing the power and
bringing it into action*. This means that the power does not only emerge in
my mind, but it shows through my thoughts, words and actions also.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

*To calm the mind is to have the ability to correct situations. *

When we become anxious about something, it is but natural to get caught up
in it. At such times, we find our mind racing and the speed of actions
increasing too. We try desperately to do things that mostly are not right.
It is important for me to calm my mind, before I try to correct the
situation that is causing me anxiety. Today I will move slowly. I will
reduce the pace of my actions and also of my thoughts. The best things are
always discovered in silence. So, even if things go wrong, I will not let
them make my mind race. Today I will discover the beauty of situations in

*Message for the day*

*Feelings change intentions, thus changing actions too.*

*Expression: *When there are negative feelings like jealousy or hatred
towards another person, those feelings naturally create misunderstanding.
Even if the other person has a good feeling while doing something, a
negative intention is attributed and this naturally changes one's own
behaviour or response making it negative too.

*Experience: *When there is the slightest bit of negative feeling within me
for someone, it naturally creates further negativity from others too. I
find everything I come across to be negative, like the one who wears
coloured glasses sees everything to be of that particular colour.


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