Thursday 28 July 2016

[ ::: ♥Keep_Mailing♥ ::: ]™ Dr.Abdul Kalam Quotes

On the first death anniversary of the late "People's President", Dr Abdul Kalam, here is a compilation of some of the greatest statements made by him which left a lasting impact on the masses.  

-Abdul Kalam

" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: initial; line-height: 1.22em; overflow: auto; max-width: 594px; max-height: 423px; width: 594px;" id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1469764105550_39358" class="" data-id="e10d8e30-a69b-525f-2307-fe6ff6009d8c">
"Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed
is strong enough."
-Abdul Kalam

-Abdul Kalam

" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: initial; line-height: 1.22em;" id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1469764105550_39366" class="" data-id="45551132-10fa-7c5d-2506-6180b1ed33d6">
"Don't take rest after your first victory because if you
fail in second, more lips are waiting to say that 
your first victory was just luck."
-Abdul Kalam

-Abdul Kalam

" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: initial; line-height: 1.22em;" id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1469764105550_39376" data-id="29e21bd2-8a83-fffb-f9f2-43f841504741" class="">
"Man needs difficulties in life because they are
necessary to enjoy the success."
-Abdul Kalam

-Abdul Kalam

" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: initial; line-height: 1.22em;" id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1469764105550_39385" data-id="3e795186-0560-bb78-63e0-29b07b0dbef4">
"If you want to shine like a sun, burn like a sun first."
-Abdul Kalam

-Abdul Kalam

" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: initial; line-height: 1.22em;" id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1469764105550_39393" data-id="ccfd8942-4cdc-c4fa-8844-0ac18eebc947">
"Be more dedicated to making solid achievements
than running after swift and synthetic happiness."
-Abdul Kalam

-Abdul Kalam

" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: initial; line-height: 1.22em; overflow: auto; max-width: 800px; max-height: 312px; width: 624px;" id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1469764105550_39401" data-id="f7bb5058-aca1-dc6e-ecd2-6c9fdf211e3d">
"For me there are two types of people: the young and the experienced."
-Abdul Kalam

-Abdul Kalam

" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: initial; line-height: 1.22em;" id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1469764105550_39409" class="" data-id="5fd21ff4-1f2b-d9a5-30b9-93b053c40c91">
"You have to dream before your dreams can come true."
-Abdul Kalam

-Abdul Kalam

" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: initial; line-height: 1.22em;" id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1469764105550_39416" class="" data-id="42ad483e-e5d3-aa1e-a300-5b94c6e644ae">
"Climbing to the top demands strength, whether it is
to the top of Mount Everest or to the top of your career."
-Abdul Kalam

-Abdul Kalam

" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: initial; line-height: 1.22em;" id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1469764105550_39424" class="" data-id="2e1e5771-b381-2684-26f4-ddd8b25bbfe0">
"Let us sacrifice our today so that our children can
have a better tomorrow."
-Abdul Kalam

<div>Look at the sky. We are not alone. The whole universe is friendly to us and conspires only to give the best to those who dream and work. <br /></div><div>-Abdul Kalam</div>
"Look at the sky. We are not alone. The whole Universe
is friendly to us and conspires only to give the best to
those who dream and work."
-Abdul Kalam

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