Tuesday, 30 June 2015

[ ::: ♥Keep_Mailing♥ ::: ]™ Parenting: 10 Steps for Monitoring and Controlling Your Kids Online Activities

By Megan Maas, M.S.

Talking with parents about sexuality and online safety, it seems as if everyone just wants to know what button to push or what software to buy to ensure their child never sees porn, never talks to strangers online, and never posts provocative pictures. So let me say this from the get-go: There is nothing you or any other parent can do to guarantee your child will never do anything potentially dangerous online. There are, however, steps parents can take to drastically reduce the probability that a child will develop problematic internet behaviors.

In general, your goal should be to first focus on becoming a reduced-tech family. Putting more emphasis on the real world and less emphasis on the digital realm can help kids and teens put their value and energy into their real lives. It will lead to healthy use of the web—as a tool to connect with others and to learn about the world on an as-needed basis—instead of constantly trolling the cyber-sphere searching for the next thrill.

Here are 10 steps to get you and your family establish rules and practices for online safety:

  1. Get to know the technology, apps, and websites: So many parents I speak with don't know how to work apps, navigate a laptop, or turn on the Wii. Search YouTube for how-to videos and spend some time getting comfortable with the technology your child is using. You can also check out this App Guide for Parents, to fill you in on all the latest apps and how they work. Learn all about teens' use of social media sites and other online behaviors. Hint: Facebook is old news.
  2. Use existing privacy settings: Check the privacy and parental settings on all of your devices—desktop computers, laptops, phones, tablets, game consoles—and use them. Super savvy teens can bypass these if they work hard enough, but younger kids can't. And even older kids may be deterred or at least slowed down by them.
  3. Filter and monitor: Parents will tell me that they talked to their child about the internet, so they don't need to install monitoring software. Wrong! No matter how much you trust your child, it is essential to install software that can monitor tablets and smart phones (examples include this one and this one). Of course, there are ways for your child to get around these, which is why you need to continually check the devices and re-install the software as needed. Remember to be honest about your monitoring. Secretly recording a kid's internet usage will likely do more harm to the relationship than good for the child.
  4. Talk to your kids about digital citizenship: It's important for your kids to know that everything online is permanent. Everyone can see your "likes" and "favorites" as well as your comments on other photos, not to mention your own photos and videos. This permanency makes it important to consider your online reputation. Teens can start building a positive reputation online using LinkedIn and keeping all other social media profiles completely private. For example, most people keep their Twitter and Instagram profiles public and college admission committees will search applicants online and see those profiles. Encourage teens not to post sexy or wild photos of themselves, or at least not as a profile pic.
  5. Limit technology use: Try to limit tech and screen time by providing windows of time for when it is allowed and when it is not. You can also try a tech curfew, such as no internet after 7 or 8 p.m. Some families have instituted rules banning tablet or smartphone usage from 5-7 p.m., after which they allow a 30-minute window for responding to emails, messages, and texts, before having all devices turned off again at 7:30. There is also software which tracks time spent on Netflix, Facebook and games as well as applications like Microsoft Word and Excel, which is another way to monitor time spent on a computer doing recreational activities vs. homework activities. There is a new trend called "vamping," where teens stay up all night on social media while their parents think they're asleep. If this is the case in your home, you might have to disable the wireless router at night.
  6. Get step-by-step help setting limits in your home: The Total Transformation

  7. Keep internet devices in public places: It's easy to sneak a peek at porn when at a friend's house or even in your own living room. However, it is hard to watch hours of porn every day or to chat with a pedophile online if the only available devices are in the living room or den. So it's a good idea to forbid laptops, tablets, or smartphones in bedrooms or bathrooms. They are not private devices, so they do not belong in private rooms. Here's the catch: You should be role-modeling this behavior. Try to have a "home" for all your devices, such as a basket or cabinet (and consider locking them away if need be). This sends the message that these devices don't belong to your child—they belong to you, the parent, and you are allowing your child to use the device, as long as it's used responsibly. 
  8. Set rules with consequences. Digital behavior should be thought of as an extension of the self or a representation of the self. If you wouldn't do something in person, "in real life," you probably shouldn't be doing it online. Little kids understand this better than big kids who can think more abstractly and can rationalize their bad behavior online. One way to get your children to think about their online behavior is to have them sign a contract agreeing to the digital-behavior rules you set and outlining consequences if the agreement is broken. You can find a sample contract here.
  9. Gradually build autonomy: Your goal as a parent is to build autonomy within your child in almost every area: finances, emotions, social bonds, chores, and so much more. You want your child to be able to take care of himself or herself. The same is true for his or her cyber-self. Trying to block and/or monitor everything or eliminate technology completely isn't going to help your children regulate their digital behavior once they leave your house. That said, kids under 14 don't really have the ability (developmentally) to regulate themselves, so blocking and/or monitoring as much as possible is essential. As they get older, you can expand their cyber freedom as they earn your trust.
  10. Is extreme defiance stopping you from trusting your kid? Try The ODD Lifeline

  11. Respect privacy: This step is perhaps the most important one, because it sends the message that your monitoring efforts aren't about stifling their privacy; they are about protecting your kids. Respecting their privacy can include providing physical privacy (e.g. always knocking before entering their bedroom); providing a private diary or voice recorder for them to record their thoughts and desires; giving them access to sexual health websites (you may have to manually allow these if you are filtering their web use); providing them with books about bodies and sexuality for them to read on their own (and making clear you are available to answer questions); and allowing them to have private conversations with their friends on the phone and/or private time in-person..
  12. Fill in with fun: Now that you've carved out some time where everyone won't be glued to their devices, fill in that time with fun activities. Model the behavior you want to see in your kids and the healthy attitude they should have toward technology and the internet. Make your fun time together as creative and stress-free as possible to help ensure that they don't shrug off the wonders of the real world and face-to-face relationships in favor of what they are missing at that moment online.

Read more at empoweringparents

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[ ::: ♥Keep_Mailing♥ ::: ]™ How is Heaven Steve?

Someone put a lot of thought into this.
https://sites.google.com/site/humoursix/sunday-family-humour-22nd-september/thought 1.jpg?attredirects=0
https://sites.google.com/site/humoursix/sunday-family-humour-22nd-september/thought 2.jpg?attredirects=0
https://sites.google.com/site/humoursix/sunday-family-humour-22nd-september/thought 4.jpg?attredirects=0
https://sites.google.com/site/humoursix/sunday-family-humour-22nd-september/thought 5.jpg?attredirects=0
https://sites.google.com/site/humoursix/sunday-family-humour-22nd-september/thought 6.jpg?attredirects=0
10 years ago the  USA had Steve Jobs, Bob Hope and Johnny Cash.   
Now the USA has no Jobs, no Hope  and no Cash. 

[ ::: ♥Keep_Mailing♥ ::: ]™ Fw: Eat 5 Walnuts And Wait 4 Hours: This Is What Will Happen To You!


Posted by: Bhupendra Jesrani <jesranibd@yahoo.co.in>
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[ ::: ♥Keep_Mailing♥ ::: ]™ :'(یک حاجی صاحب کافی بیمار تھے .

:'(یک حاجی صاحب کافی بیمار تھے .
کئی سالوں سے ہر ہفتے پیٹ سے چار بوتل پانی نکلواتے تھے
اب ان کے گردے واش ہوتے ہوتے ختم ہوچکے تھے۔
ایک وقت میں آدھا سلائس ان کی غذا تھی۔ سانس لینے میں بہت دشواری کا سامنا تھا۔
نقاہت اتنی کہ بغیر سہارے کے حاجت کیلئے نہ جاسکتے تھے۔
ایک دن چوہدری صاحب ان کے ہاں تشریف لے گئے
اور انہیں سہارے کے بغیر چلتے دیکھا تو بہت حیران ہوئے انہوں نے دور سے ہاتھ ہلا کر چوہدری صاحب کا استقبال کیا'
چہل قدمی کرتے کرتے حاجی صاحب نے دس چکر لان میں لگائے'
پھر مسکرا کر ان کے سامنے بیٹھ گئے'
ان کی گردن میں صحت مند لوگوں جیسا تناؤ تھا۔
چوہدری صاحب نے ان سے پوچھا کہ یہ معجزہ کیسے ہوا؟
کوئی دوا' کوئی دعا' کوئی پیتھی' کوئی تھراپی۔ آخر یہ کمال کس نے دکھایا۔
حاجی صاحب نے
فرمایا میرے ہاتھ میں ایک ایسا نسخہ آیا ہے کہ اگر دنیا کو معلوم ہوجائے تو سارے ڈاکٹر' حکیم بیروزگار ہوجائیں۔
سارے ہسپتال بند ہوجائیں اور سارے میڈیکل سٹوروں پر تالے پڑجائیں۔
چوہدری صاحب مزید حیران ہوئے کہ آخر ایسا کونسا نسخہ ہے جو ان کے ہاتھ آیا ہے۔
حاجی صاحب نے فرمایا کہ میرے ملازم کی والدہ فوت ہوگئی'
میرے بیٹوں نے عارضی طورپر ایک چھ سات سالہ بچہ میری خدمت کیلئے دیا'
میں نے ایک دن بچے سے پوچھا کہ آخر کس مجبوری کی بنا پر تمہیں اس عمر میں میری خدمت کرنا پڑی'
بچہ پہلے تو خاموش رہا پھر سسکیاں بھر کر بولا کہ ایک دن میں گھر سے باہر تھا'
میری امی' ابو' بھائی' بہن سب سیلاب میں بہہ گئے
میرے مال مویشی ڈھور ڈنگر' زمین پر رشتہ داروں نے قبضہ کرلیا۔
اب دنیا میں میرا کوئی نہیں۔
اب دو وقت کی روٹی اور کپڑوں کے عوض آپ کی خدمت پر مامور ہوں۔
یہ سنتے ہی حاجی صاحب کا دل پسیج گیا اور پوچھا بیٹا کیا تم پڑھوگے بچے نے ہاں میں سرہلا دیا۔
حاجی صاحب نے منیجر سے کہا کہ اس بچے کو شہر کے سب سے اچھے سکول میں داخل کراؤ۔
بچے کا داخل ہونا تھا کہ اس کی دعاؤں نے اثر کیا'
قدرت مہربان ہوگئی'
میں نے تین سالوں کے بعد پیٹ بھر کر کھانا کھایا'
سارے ڈاکٹر اور گھروالے حیران تھے۔
اگلے روز اس یتیم بچے کو ہاسٹل میں داخلہ
دلوایا اور بغیر سہارے کے ٹائلٹ تک چل کرگیا' میں نے منیجر سے کہا کہ شہر سے پانچ ایسے اور بچے ڈھونڈ کرلاؤ جن کا دنیا میں کوئی نہ ہو۔
پھر ایسے بچے لائے گئے
انہیں بھی اسی سکول میں داخل کرادیا گیا۔
اللہ تعالیٰ نے فضل کیا اور آج میں بغیر سہارے کے چل رہا ہوں۔
سیر ہوکر کھاپی رہا ہوں اور قہقہے لگارہا ہوں۔ حاجی صاحب سینہ پھلا کر گلاب کی کیاریوں کی طرف چل دئیے
اور فرمایا میں اب نہیں گروں گا جب تک کہ یہ بچے اپنے قدموں پر کھڑے نہیں ہوجاتے۔
حاجی صاحب گلاب کی کیاریوں کے قریب رک
گئے اور ایک عجیب فقرہ زبان پر لائے ..
''قدرت' یتیموں کو سائے دینے والے
درختوں کے سائے لمبے کر دیا کرتی ہے

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Sunday, 28 June 2015

Re: [ ::: ♥Keep_Mailing♥ ::: ]™ Have a Blissful Morning


Dr.Ashok Chugh ( Ex Amc )
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On 29 June 2015 at 10:20, Janakee Subramanian <thayani2007@gmail.com> wrote:
superb sir

On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 10:02 AM, 'DR. MAHESH' via Keep_Mailing <keep_mailing@googlegroups.com> wrote:

Have A Blissful Morning !!

Do Not
Undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others.
It is because we are different,  that each of us is special.

Do Not...
Set your goals by what other people deem important.
Only you know what is best for you..

Do Not...
Take for granted the things closest to your heart
Cling to them as you would your life for without them life is meaningless.

Do Not...
Let your life slip through your fingers by living in the past nor for the future 
By living your life one day at a time, you live all the days of your life.

Do Not...
Give up when you still have something to give
Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.
It is a fragile thread that binds us to each other.

Do Not...
Be afraid to encounter risks
It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave.

Do Not...
Shut love out your life by saying it is impossible to find.
The quickest way to receive love is to give love
The fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly.

Do Not...
Dismiss your dreams
To be without dreams is to be without hope
To be without hope is to be without purpose.

Do Not...
Run through life so fast that you forget 
not only where you have been but also where you are going.

Have a  nice day ....

Have a nice day keep loving  beside individuals goings are known best & in harmony peace joy love & care.
God is Unseen but present as one God above all heaven and earth his love is Endless Joy & blessing healing forgiveness & protections at times among people as at times we also see the world upside down wars killings caste religion hatred earthquakes disasters storms around the world take care keep in touch  whatever life can be keep moving keep thanking small and big ways in life.

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Re: [ ::: ♥Keep_Mailing♥ ::: ]™ Have a Blissful Morning

superb sir

On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 10:02 AM, 'DR. MAHESH' via Keep_Mailing <keep_mailing@googlegroups.com> wrote:

Have A Blissful Morning !!

Do Not
Undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others.
It is because we are different,  that each of us is special.

Do Not...
Set your goals by what other people deem important.
Only you know what is best for you..

Do Not...
Take for granted the things closest to your heart
Cling to them as you would your life for without them life is meaningless.

Do Not...
Let your life slip through your fingers by living in the past nor for the future 
By living your life one day at a time, you live all the days of your life.

Do Not...
Give up when you still have something to give
Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.
It is a fragile thread that binds us to each other.

Do Not...
Be afraid to encounter risks
It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave.

Do Not...
Shut love out your life by saying it is impossible to find.
The quickest way to receive love is to give love
The fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly.

Do Not...
Dismiss your dreams
To be without dreams is to be without hope
To be without hope is to be without purpose.

Do Not...
Run through life so fast that you forget 
not only where you have been but also where you are going.

Have a  nice day ....

Have a nice day keep loving  beside individuals goings are known best & in harmony peace joy love & care.
God is Unseen but present as one God above all heaven and earth his love is Endless Joy & blessing healing forgiveness & protections at times among people as at times we also see the world upside down wars killings caste religion hatred earthquakes disasters storms around the world take care keep in touch  whatever life can be keep moving keep thanking small and big ways in life.

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[ ::: ♥Keep_Mailing♥ ::: ]™ Have a Blissful Morning

Have A Blissful Morning !!

Do Not
Undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others.
It is because we are different,  that each of us is special.

Do Not...
Set your goals by what other people deem important.
Only you know what is best for you..

Do Not...
Take for granted the things closest to your heart
Cling to them as you would your life for without them life is meaningless.

Do Not...
Let your life slip through your fingers by living in the past nor for the future 
By living your life one day at a time, you live all the days of your life.

Do Not...
Give up when you still have something to give
Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.
It is a fragile thread that binds us to each other.

Do Not...
Be afraid to encounter risks
It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave.

Do Not...
Shut love out your life by saying it is impossible to find.
The quickest way to receive love is to give love
The fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly.

Do Not...
Dismiss your dreams
To be without dreams is to be without hope
To be without hope is to be without purpose.

Do Not...
Run through life so fast that you forget 
not only where you have been but also where you are going.

Have a  nice day ....

Have a nice day keep loving  beside individuals goings are known best & in harmony peace joy love & care.
God is Unseen but present as one God above all heaven and earth his love is Endless Joy & blessing healing forgiveness & protections at times among people as at times we also see the world upside down wars killings caste religion hatred earthquakes disasters storms around the world take care keep in touch  whatever life can be keep moving keep thanking small and big ways in life.