Thursday 23 January 2014

[ ::: ♥Keep_Mailing♥ ::: ]™ The world's most accurate clock revealed


The world's most accurate clock revealed - and it won't lose a second in five BILLION years

  • Strontium lattice clock is 50% more accurate than previous record holder
  • Doesn't lose or gains a second in five billion years - longer than the age of the Earth


A new record-breaking atomic clock is so precise it neither loses nor gains a second in five billion years - longer than the age of the Earth.

The 'strontium lattice clock' is 50% more accurate than the previous record holder, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) quantum logic clock.

It is also incredibly stable, in that each tick matches the duration of every other.

The watch of the future? US scientists say the 'strontium lattice clock' is 50% more accurate than the previous record holder, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) quantum logic clock.

The watch of the future? US scientists say the 'strontium lattice clock' is 50% more accurate than the previous record holder, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) quantum logic clock.


Atomic clocks operate by means of atoms oscillating between two energy levels.

In the strontium lattice clock, a few thousand atoms of strontium are held in a column of laser optical traps.

Scientists detect the clock's 'ticks' - 430 trillion of them a second - by bathing the atoms in very stable red laser light.

The precise frequency of the laser trigger prompts the switch between energy levels.

The clock, described in the journal Nature, was developed in the US at the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics (JILA), by a team from NIST and the University of Colorado.

Group leader Dr Jun Ye said: 'We already have plans to push the performance even more.

'So in this sense, even this new Nature paper represents only a 'mid-term' report.

'You can expect more new breakthroughs in our clocks in the next five to 10 years.'

In terms of stability, the new clock equals the performance of NIST's world-leading ytterbium atomic clock.

Atomic clocks operate by means of atoms oscillating between two energy levels.



In the strontium lattice clock, a few thousand atoms of strontium are held in a column of laser optical traps.

Scientists detect the clock's 'ticks' - 430 trillion of them a second - by bathing the atoms in very stable red laser light.

The precise frequency of the laser trigger prompts the switch between energy levels.

The new clock could lead to far more accurate timekeeping devices for everyone

The new clock could lead to far more accurate timekeeping devices for everyone

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Hiten A. Raja

"It's not enough to be busy... the question is: what are we busy about  ?"
"It's not so much where my motivation comes from but rather how it manages to survive."
"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."
"You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him."

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