Thursday, 9 January 2014

[ ::: ♥Keep_Mailing♥ ::: ]™ Revealed: How Muslims really think women should dress - and most DON'T want the face covered

Revealed: How Muslims really think women should dress - and most DON'T want the face covered

  • -Survey was carried out in Tunisia, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Turkey which all have a majority Muslim population
  • -The majority prefer women to cover their hair rather than their whole face
  • -But a substantial proportion in Lebanon and Turkey felt it's appropriate for women not to cover their head at all in public


PUBLISHED: 12:47 GMT, 9 January 2014 UPDATED: 18:37 GMT, 9 January 2014 (Daily Mail)

The way Muslim women should dress in public has been a strongly debated topic in recent months.

But a new study has now revealed what the citizens of different Muslim countries believe is appropriate female dress - and how widely views differ between them. 

The survey was conducted across seven countries - Tunisia, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Turkey - which all have a majority Muslim population.

And the research from the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research found that most residents in these countries prefer women to cover their hair with a traditional hijab, al-Amira or head scarf rather than cover their entire face with a full burqa or niqab. 

Survey: Chart shows how people from seven different countries with a majority-Muslim population believe women should dress

Survey: Chart shows how people from seven different countries with a majority-Muslim population believe women should dress

Researchers asked respondents to pick their favoured style of female Muslim dress from a chart, assembled by the Pew Research Center, showing a range of clothing from the full burka (see image one on the chart above) and niqab (see image two) to types of hijabs (image four and five) to no head covering at all (image six). 


The majority of those questioned - 57 per cent in Tunisia, 52 per cent in Egypt, 46 per cent in Turkey and 44 per cent in Iraq - believed the white hiqab or basic al-Amira (shown in image four) is the most appropriate dress for a Muslim woman.

But the more conservative black hijab or chador (shown in image three) was the second favourite choice of citizens in Iraq and Egypt.

And a 63 per cent-majority of those polled in Saudi Arabia chose the second most conservative form of dress, a niqab, which is depicted in image two.

Overall, the majority of those questioned across the seven Muslim-majority countries prefer woman to cover the hair with a hijab rather than cover their face with a full burka
Overall, the majority of those questioned across the seven Muslim-majority countries prefer woman to cover the hair with a hijab rather than cover their face with a full burka

Overall, the majority of those questioned across the seven Muslim-majority countries prefer women to cover their hair with a hijab, pictured top, rather than cover their face with a full burka, pictured right 

Talking point: What Muslim women should or shouldn't wear has been the subject of heated debate the wold over, including Luton in the UK, pictured

Talking point: What Muslim women should or shouldn't wear has been the subject of heated debate the wold over, including Luton in the UK, pictured

It was a similar response in Pakistan where more than 60 per cent overall opted for choices two or three while 25 per cent went for the hijab worn in image four. 

Only in Lebanon and Turkey did a substantial proportion believe it is appropriate for women not to cover their head at all in public.

Roughly a third of Turks, nearly half of those surveyed in Lebanon and 15 per cent of Tunisians agreed it is acceptable for a woman to appear in public without a head covering.

Although the fact that 27 per cent of those quizzed in Lebanon were Christian may have an impact upon the results. Also the results are not broken down by gender.  

The majority of those questioned believed the white hiqab or basic al-amira is the most appropriate form of female Muslim dress
But the niqab was the favoured form of dress in Saudi Arabia

The majority of those questioned believed the white hiqab or basic al-amira, pictured left, is the most appropriate form of female Muslim dress.  But the niqab, pictured , was the favoured form of dress in Saudi Arabia

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