Monday 20 January 2014

[ ::: ♥Keep_Mailing♥ ::: ]™ Nothiing on life is free

Subject  Nothiing on life is free


There is another thing we have to recognise, a basic factor that has to be borne in mind, particularly as we step into the New Year  It is this: We humans want everything to be obtained freely. Anything that is free, I want.
There is an advertisement, "If you pay for one heart surgery, the next operation is free." (Laughter) If you get the doctor to treat one fractured leg, the other leg fracture will be taken care of totally free of charge. It is free! 
Therefore my friends, we have this weakness to run after things that are given freely. But nothing is free in this world.  Baba gives this example: If you want to buy a handkerchief, you have to pay ten rupees to get it. If you don't pay the ten rupees and take the kerchief, you are a thief. You will be punished. So in life, nothing is offered freely.
A mother delivers a child through labour pain. A student secures the first class grade after hard work. You get your salary on the first of every month, after working for 30 long days. Currency notes are not simply given to us freely.
Therefore, my friends, God has given us a mind to think with and an intellect to judge by, so that we will understand our true identity. Thus, we will understand our true nature. Only then we may be able to concentrate, contemplate, meditate, and enjoy the state of bliss.
Let us not run after things that are offered freely. There are some people who came with the advertisement: "This guru will grant you liberation at the rate of 250 rupees, within a week." Within a week? Why does he need a whole week?
Like this, the true value of striving has been lost. Such advertisements for instant liberation are ridiculous, and turn those who participate in them into a laughing stock. We seem to have forgotten, or we don't understand that one has to work for it! So, let me turn to God. Without turning towards Him, how do I experience Him? Therefore my friends, this is one more thing which I wanted to bring to your attention and share with you.


*as received
Trichy Prasanna
9941505431, 9488019015

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