Monday 16 December 2013

[ ::: ♥Keep_Mailing♥ ::: ]™ PENGUIN PROBLEMS

Penguin Problems......  

(Allow time for download)

Did anyone see that" 

22 Penguins That Are More Awkward Than You
2.  "I'm really glad we started this jogging group
so I didn't have to do this alone."
22 Penguins That Are More Awkward Than You

3.  "Maybe if I bob along with the music no 

one will ask me to dance."

22 Penguins That Are More Awkward Than You

4.  *Hums quietly to himself*

22 Penguins That Are More Awkward Than You

5.  "I wish I could move like Shakira."

22 Penguins That Are More Awkward Than You 

6.   "I forgot my towel, don't look at me!"

22 Penguins That Are More Awkward Than You

7. " Welp, see ya tomorrow then."

22 Penguins That Are More Awkward Than You

8.  "Watch me dive, you guys!"

22 Penguins That Are More Awkward Than You

9.  Crap— -  sorry—after you!"

22 Penguins That Are More Awkward Than You

10.  "Nothing to see here."

22 Penguins That Are More Awkward Than You

11.  "Ice Cream truck!"

22 Penguins That Are More Awkward Than You

12. " WhoOPSY- DAISY!"

22 Penguins That Are More Awkward Than You

13.  "Hahaha, can't catch me!  oooOOF!"

22 Penguins That Are More Awkward Than You

14. "Oh, BALLS."

22 Penguins That Are More Awkward Than You

15.  "I swear, this is how they do it in Europe. "

22 Penguins That Are More Awkward Than You

16.   "Damn these weak ankles!"

22 Penguins That Are More Awkward Than You

17. " La la la laaa - AAH la la la…"

22 Penguins That Are More Awkward Than You

18. "Scotch - WHAT Scotch?…"

22 Penguins That Are More Awkward Than You

19.  "Whoa, didn't see you there, guy.  My bad!"

22 Penguins That Are More Awkward Than You

20.   "Ummphh, mmphh…there we go."

22 Penguins That Are More Awkward Than You

21.  "Guys?   Where is everyone going?"

22 Penguins That Are More Awkward Than You

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